
“The heart of our philosophy is the creation of a warm and caring atmosphere through laughter.”

The following is an outline of the Recreation Activities offered at Rosewood RVilla.

We hope to see you out!

Church Services

There are three different denominations that offer worship services. We proudly offer services from the Anglican Church, United Church and Lighthouse Baptist Church. All Sunday services begin at 2:00 p.m. unless otherwise notified (Activity Room).

Movie Night

A movie is shown on Sunday nights at 6p.m. in the activity room. If you have a favourite, don’t hesitate to share with us! (Activity Room)


The goal of our exercise program is to keep you physically fit and able to continue in your activities of daily living. When you can maintain your balance and have the muscle strength to move your body well, the restrictions that you place on yourself will be less.

Monday and Friday exercises offer a variety of stretching and balance building exercises. Most of them are done in a sitting position using the upper and lower body. Flexible bands are used for strengthening the arms. The latter part of these exercises are done in a standing position behind a chair, some residents choose to sit for all of the exercises.

The Wednesday morning fitness program incudes a walking program in the warmer months of the year. In the cooler months we offer an additional exercise class.


Local musicians often come to entertain and this can occur in the afternoon hours or in the early evening. We attempt to offer a variety of musical entertainment monthly. If you enjoy tapping your feet to the beat, be sure to come on out! If you have a favourite local musician or group don’t hesistate to let the activity staff know! (Activity Room)

Bridge Club

The Bridge Club is a community based program which occupies the downstairs activity room of Rosewood RVilla. They meet every Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 and new members are always welcome! Bridge is held on the South-West lounge.


Manicures are done every other Tuesday afternoon by volunteers from the community. Rosewood RVilla provides residents with their own nail clippers and nail file. Nail polish remover and nail polish are also provided. If you wish to make a donation for this service, you may do so at that time. All money raised is donated to a local charity of choice. (Activity Room)

Rotary Bingo

Rotary Bingo runs every Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. viewed on the local cable channel (October – April). We have volunteers who play with the residents in a group. If you are interested in playing, tickets must be purchased in advance (Monday) by Jessica or Janelle. Some players have been close to winning the jack pot, maybe your ticket will be the lucky one! (Activity Room)

Afternoon Programs

In this time slot, we strive to offer a variety of interesting programs that meet the needs of our residents. Things you may see here include: crafts, boards games, history sharing, information forums, outings, bingo, current events and seasonal decorating. We are always up to something, don’t be shy, come and join us!

Euchre Afternoon

Euchre games can be played anytime, but on Saturday afternoons we have a couple of community participants come in to play a round or two. A great time is had by all. (Activity Room)


This group activity is lead by volunteers who play the piano and is held in the morning (Acitvity Room).

Resident Meetings

Residents are given the opportunity to make suggestions or comments on all the care and services that are provided by Rosewood RVilla. Management and staff also use this time to pass on information to residents, for example; new menu items or new staff members, etc. A suggestion box is located on the snack counter, in the activity room, for those who wish to write things down in advance. You can also talk to Jessica or Janelle prior to the meeting time to ensure that your topic is on the agenda. All suggestions can remain anonymous.

Pet Visits

We are very happy to have a St.John’s Ambulance Pet Therapy dog, Macie, and her owner Mary Fischer visit with us weekly. Mary and Macie make their rounds visiting residents, many residents enjoy these therapeutic visit and Macie loves the attention!

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Residents and family can find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! We regularly share photos of our activites, fun events and announce birthdays. It is a great way to share family photos and for residents to keep in touch with family members.


Visit and one on one time is offered for all residents on a weekly basis by the staff and volunteers at Rosewood RVilla. We aim to get to know our residents well so we can make them feel at home and meet all of their needs.

Contact Us
Rosewood Simcoe P: 519-428-9480, E: Rosewood Simcoe
Rosewood Erie Glen P: 519-322-2384, E: Rosewood Erie Glen
Rosewood RVilla P: 519-395-0225, E: Rosewood RVilla
